Top 10 Facts about CBD

CBD has experienced a meteoric rise in the wellness market in recent years – despite its growing popularity, there is still a lot of misinformation about the ingredient of the cannabis plant circulating around.

What is CBD actually? How does it work? Is it legal? What are the benefits of using it? We have collected the most important facts about CBD that you should know about this extraordinary substance:  

1. CBD does not make you "high".

With all the hype surrounding CBD, the question "does CBD make you high?" arises quickly. The answer to that is clearly no. In contrast to THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), CBD (cannabidiol) has no psychoactive effects, so it is – in contrast to the better known component THC - absolutely not harmful. CBD oils contain such small amounts of THC which are not sufficient to reach a relevant level that could lead to psychoactive effects. There is therefore definitely no danger of getting "high" from CBD.

2. CBD can come from both hemp and marijuana.

It is a common misconception that CBD comes from only one type of cannabis plant. In fact, CBD can be found everywhere in the stems, flowers, leaves and seeds of both hemp and marijuana. One of the least known facts about CBD is that both hemp and marijuana can be sources of CBD. However, marijuana provides less CBD than THC does, so marijuana is usually automatically associated with its intoxicating effects.

In hemp, however, CBD dominates the composition of the plant, and THC is only present in small amounts. Hemp is therefore the ideal source of CBD because of its naturally higher CBD content. Furthermore, due to the way its cultivation method is handled, hemp is a more environmentally friendly and conscious CBD product than marijuana. 

3. CBD is legal as long as it is extracted from hemp.

Since CBD is not to be understood as a narcotic, it has already been legalized in many countries. There CBD can now be sold as a health-promoting product without any problems. It should be noted, however, that the legal situation may change at any time. In general: In most European countries the cultivation of industrial hemp is legal. However, CBD derived from cannabis plants is illegal. And when using CBD cosmetics, there is no need to worry: their use is absolutely legal. 

4. CBD supports the endocannabinoid system of our body. 

By now almost everyone has heard about the numerous benefits of CBD. However, many people still do not know exactly how CBD works and what positive effects it can have on the body. CBD is best known for its ability to support the body's own endocannabinoid system (ECS). ECS is known to regulate various biological and physiological processes in the body, including mood, energy, appetite, sleep, stress response, metabolism, muscle control and more.

It is believed that the endocannabinoid system is one of the major physiological systems involved in the production and maintenance of human health. CBD helps to support this extremely important system by acting on the receptors and their action on certain enzymes essential to the functioning of endocannabinoids.

5. CBD oil works very well as a beauty product.

INDICA CBD Skincare. Girl and mirror.

CBD oil is currently making big waves in the cosmetics industry. Even in Hollywood the oil is used for skin, hair and nail care on set and behind the scenes. CBD oil is incredibly powerful, but what makes it such a great beauty product is the high dose of two very important elements: The first is chlorophyll, a chemical that is the catalyst for the photosynthesis process in plants and trees. Chlorophyll has great healing, cleansing and anti-aging properties for the skin. The second is terpenes. Terpenes are a group of natural oils that are responsible for the aroma of fruits, plants and flowers. These terpenes give the cosmetic product a deep, rich and aromatic profile. The combination of these two elements in CBD oil makes its use as a beauty product almost a must. Now is definitely the right time to try it out!

6. CBD can reduce puffiness under the eyes and soothe sunburn. 

Inflammation is responsible for the vast majority of skin problems, including rashes, psoriasis and swollen eyes. As CBD has been proven to have anti-inflammatory properties when applied to the skin, it is able to have a very positive effect on the skin's appearance and complexion. Applying CBD also helps in the case of sunburn, its effect relieves the unpleasant sensation that can occur and helps the skin to recover from burns. 

7. CBD helps to fall asleep as well as to stay awake.

Although CBD is better known for its calming effect, it is also can in fact also have an opposite effect. So CBD is almost like an adaptogen – a kind of a two-way product – because people also use it in the morning to energize themselves. According to early research on this topic (much more needs to be done before final conclusions can be drawn), this contradiction could be due to different doses, with studies showing that higher doses of CBD lead to sleepy subjects and lower doses to stimulated subjects. This is of course mainly true when CBD is taken in the form of food, such as teas or drops.

8. CBD is also good for animals. 

INDICA CBD Skincare. CBD is also good for pets

Recent findings have shown that pets can also benefit from taking CBD. For example, according to the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA), clinical trials are currently underway to investigate the potential health benefits of CBD products for dogs. It is believed that they can greatly help to reduce anxiety, epilepsy and joint inflammation in dogs.

9. There is no physical reaction to taking too much CBD.

If, for any reason, one takes too much CBD, there is no need to worry. Whatever the form – be it too much oil, too many cups of tea or other foods containing CBD – it has no negative effect on health. As long as the product you ingest does not contain THC, no physical reaction to CBD overdose is to be expected. You can therefore go over the top without a guilty conscience. In order to experience negative physical effects, one would have to ingest a dose of 20 mg per kilogram of one's own body weight, i.e. almost a ton of CBD, which is probably more than unrealistic. 

10. CBD has many advantages even for completely healthy people.

Unfortunately, many people do not consider consuming CBD products until they are confronted with health problems. However, CBD also offers excellent properties for completely healthy people, which are beneficial for anyone interested in increasing their own well-being and improving their quality of life. For healthy people, supporting the endocannabinoid system, the largest self-regulating system, with herbal cannabinoids like CBD is a potential way to maintain optimal health. The balancing effect of CBD combined with the nutrient content of hemp oil will help your body get what it needs for peak daily performance.

In addition to CBD and other traces of cannabinoids, CBD oil is a natural source of many vitamins and minerals, including B-complex vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin E, calcium and magnesium. CBD oil also contains proteins, fatty acids and other nutrients that are essential for the body to function optimally.